Lethbridge County Draft Fire Bylaw
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On May 19, 2022 Council passed first reading of a draft Fire Bylaw (#22-002). Second and third readings were passed on June 16, 2022.
The purpose of this bylaw is to combine four existing fire-related bylaws into one comprehensive bylaw for clarity and ease of use.
The four bylaws combined in the Fire Bylaw are:
- Stubble Burning Bylaw (#933)
- Fire Ban Bylaw (#1423)
- Fire Permit Bylaw (#1424)
- Fire Services Bylaw (#21-017)
The bylaw also includes some changes to the content of the included bylaws:
- increasing minimum fines from $100 to $250
- authorizing County administration to impose Fire Bans and Restrictions
- providing more information regarding the declaration of a Fire Restriction
- delegating Council's authority to appoint Fire Guardians under the Forest and Prairie Protection Act to the Chief Administrative Officer
- accurately stating position titles
- removing reference to the capital budget and equipment allocation in Bylaw 21-017
- reflecting changes made to provincial legislation
To view Fire Bylaw #22-002, use the menu.
Do you have a question about the draft Fire Bylaw #22-022? Ask and we'll get back to you as soon as we can!
Page last updated: 22 Jun 2022, 11:40 AM
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