Proposed Speed Limit Bylaw

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Gravel road

Update, March 2, 2023:

Bylaw 22-018 - Speed Limit is now in effect. View the bylaw under the "Documents" section on this page.

The Speed Limit Bylaw was developed to address the designation of speeds on roads throughout Lethbridge County, including our hamlets, acreage subdivisions, industrial parks, and rural areas. First reading of the proposed bylaw was passed by Council on October 20. A survey was available in November 2022 to gather public feedback (in accordance with the County's Public Participation Policy) to aid in Council's decision-making.

What is the purpose of the Speed Limit Bylaw?

In 1995, a Traffic Control Bylaw was adopted which has had several amendments since. The new Speed Limit bylaw will bring consistency to speed limits throughout the County and give staff direction as to how they will be established moving forward. Speed limits need to have clear parameters and be supported by a bylaw to be enforceable.

When assigning speed limits to roads in the Speed Limit bylaw, several factors were reviewed relating to speed limits and safety:

a) Providing a framework for speed limits to be established

b) Protecting the safety of all road users

c) Ensuring proper road use and minimizing maintenance costs

d) Minimizing conflict between road users

e) Reducing the number and severity of collisions

f) Providing openness and transparency

g) Consultation with affected stakeholders

How was feedback on speed limits in Lethbridge County used?

Survey results were presented to Council at the February 2, 2023 Council meeting and considered when making amendments to the proposed bylaw, as well as when passing second and third readings at the March 2 Council meeting. Thank you to everyone who provided feedback.

Update, March 2, 2023:

Bylaw 22-018 - Speed Limit is now in effect. View the bylaw under the "Documents" section on this page.

The Speed Limit Bylaw was developed to address the designation of speeds on roads throughout Lethbridge County, including our hamlets, acreage subdivisions, industrial parks, and rural areas. First reading of the proposed bylaw was passed by Council on October 20. A survey was available in November 2022 to gather public feedback (in accordance with the County's Public Participation Policy) to aid in Council's decision-making.

What is the purpose of the Speed Limit Bylaw?

In 1995, a Traffic Control Bylaw was adopted which has had several amendments since. The new Speed Limit bylaw will bring consistency to speed limits throughout the County and give staff direction as to how they will be established moving forward. Speed limits need to have clear parameters and be supported by a bylaw to be enforceable.

When assigning speed limits to roads in the Speed Limit bylaw, several factors were reviewed relating to speed limits and safety:

a) Providing a framework for speed limits to be established

b) Protecting the safety of all road users

c) Ensuring proper road use and minimizing maintenance costs

d) Minimizing conflict between road users

e) Reducing the number and severity of collisions

f) Providing openness and transparency

g) Consultation with affected stakeholders

How was feedback on speed limits in Lethbridge County used?

Survey results were presented to Council at the February 2, 2023 Council meeting and considered when making amendments to the proposed bylaw, as well as when passing second and third readings at the March 2 Council meeting. Thank you to everyone who provided feedback.

  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.
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Page last updated: 08 Mar 2023, 10:26 AM