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Lethbridge County work crews have noticed an increase in dangerous sign vandalism and removal recently.
This issue has been a concern mainly in areas northwest of Coaldale, where several signs have been removed and discarded into canals and ditches. Removed signs include yield, stop, dead end road, and curve signs.
The County would like to emphasize how dangerous it is to remove or damage road signs. Drivers rely on these signs to know where to stop and alert them of possible hazards ahead, like a curve in the road or a dead end. Missing signs could cause serious or even fatal vehicle collisions.
Removing, tampering, or vandalizing a road sign in any way is also illegal. Fines can range from $250 for a first offence up to $3,000 for subsequent offences.
Lastly, replacing and repairing road signs that have been removed, stolen, or vandalized is very expensive for the County. Each sign that must be replaced costs approximately $145, which includes material and installation costs. The recent string of vandalism in the County has cost approximately $2,200 and staff have spent almost 12 hours total fixing these signs to ensure motorists can travel our roads safely.
If you witness vandalism, call the RCMP immediately at 403-329-5010. To report information on vandalism, call the RCMP or Crime Stoppers (anonymous) at 1-800-222-8477. If you come across a vandalized or removed sign, please contact Lethbridge County at 403-328-5525.
Lethbridge County work crews have noticed an increase in dangerous sign vandalism and removal recently.
This issue has been a concern mainly in areas northwest of Coaldale, where several signs have been removed and discarded into canals and ditches. Removed signs include yield, stop, dead end road, and curve signs.
The County would like to emphasize how dangerous it is to remove or damage road signs. Drivers rely on these signs to know where to stop and alert them of possible hazards ahead, like a curve in the road or a dead end. Missing signs could cause serious or even fatal vehicle collisions.
Removing, tampering, or vandalizing a road sign in any way is also illegal. Fines can range from $250 for a first offence up to $3,000 for subsequent offences.
Lastly, replacing and repairing road signs that have been removed, stolen, or vandalized is very expensive for the County. Each sign that must be replaced costs approximately $145, which includes material and installation costs. The recent string of vandalism in the County has cost approximately $2,200 and staff have spent almost 12 hours total fixing these signs to ensure motorists can travel our roads safely.
If you witness vandalism, call the RCMP immediately at 403-329-5010. To report information on vandalism, call the RCMP or Crime Stoppers (anonymous) at 1-800-222-8477. If you come across a vandalized or removed sign, please contact Lethbridge County at 403-328-5525.