Miscellaneous Proposed Changes
Article #4 - Miscellaneous Proposed Changes
Upon completion of the Land Use Bylaw review, there are some sections that have been updated in addition to those that were already discussed in the previous articles, including:
- Alternative/Renewable Energy Developments
- Telecommunication, Radiocommunications and Broadcast Antenna Systems and Supporting Structures Siting Protocol
- Land Use District Maps (i.e. zoning of properties)
- General minor text amendments
The following changes/updates are being proposed:
Alternative/Renewable Energy Developments
- Updated sections to reflect that solar developments that are on the roof or walls of an existing. building do not require a development permit (they would still require the appropriate building and electrical permits).
- Added enhanced language for solar collector facilities (commercial scale) to address impact to County roads.
- Added enhanced language for solar collector facilities (commercial scale) to address weed control and soil erosion control measures.
- Removed the different categories of Wind Energy Conversion Systems, so there will only be individual (personal) and commercial scale types of Wind Energy Conversion Systems.
- Added enhanced language for Wind Energy Conversion Systems to address the impact to County roads.
- Added enhanced language for Wind Energy Conversion Systems to address weed control and soil erosion control measures.
- Reduced the setback for Wind Energy Conversion Systems to the total height of the tower. The current bylaw had the total height of the tower plus 10%.
- Minor text amendments were included for clarification.
Telecommunication, Radiocommunications and Broadcast Antenna Systems and Supporting Structures Siting Protocol
- Updated the language of what antenna structures can be excluded from siting protocol to align with Industry Canada to clarify those structures that require a municipal development permit and those that will not.
Land Use Map
- Updated the mapping to reflect the amalgamation of the Rural Urban Fringe District and Lethbridge Urban Fringe District into one new Urban Fringe District.
- Updated the mapping to reflect changes made to the Urban Fringe District as a result of the Lethbridge County and Village of Barons Intermunicipal Development Plan and the Lethbridge County and Town of Coaldale Intermunicipal Development Plan.
- Updated the mapping to rezone lands currently under the Hamlet Manufactured Home (HMH) District (which will be eliminated) to Hamlet Residential (HR) which allows for manufactured homes as a use.
Minor text amendments
- Minor text and wording amendments through out the Land Use Bylaw to provide clarity.
- Updated the relevant agency names.
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